Tag Archives: Canada

Penhorwood Condo Demolition – January 19, 2015

Fort McMurray is a place where the usual laws of the universe just don’t apply sometimes. In this case I am referring to the Penhorwood Condo’s. On January 15, 2015 these contentious masses of timber, concrete, steel, glass and siding began to be torn down using machines with claws. Lots of writings and news stories have been dedicated to these condo’s, their development, their condemnation, the way that residents were alerted by fire fighters that they needed to evacuate immediately, and the fact that owners have had to continue to pay taxes, fees, mortgages and so forth, even whilst no access has been allowed since 2011.

Since I am living and working right across the street from these buildings that are coming down, I have decided to spend some time photographing their take down.

For more information and background simply look up The Penhorwood Condos in Fort McMurray.

A few choice Links: http://globalnews.ca/news/863251/fort-mcmurrays-penhorwood-condos-are-coming-down/ (includes many interior photographs of decay, otherwise known as Ruin Porn).

An unescorted tour: http://globalnews.ca/video/873916/penhorwood-condo-tour

Globe and Mail: Fort McMurray cracks under oil boom’s strain
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