Where is Fort McMurray? – Onwards.

“Where is Fort McMurray” is a webspace for thinking about spatial questions in regards to Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada.

Spatial questions, and in particular Spatialization refers to the inter-relationships between people and places. Spatialization is a term developed and theorized by Dr. Rob Shields, Henry Marshall Tory Chair at the University of Alberta.

As a student of Dr. Shields, I have been a student of Spatialization for the better part of the last decade. Of great influence has been the Journal Space and Culture as well as the compendium blog site spaceandculture.com.

When I first established this particular webspace my intention was to use it as a way to show-off some of the work I did while working on a PhD in Sociology at the University of Alberta. In particular Where is Fort McMurray emerged as a focusing question for field work with youth.

Now, in 2015 I have found myself in Fort McMurray once again, this time teaching Sociology at Keyano College.

At this point I want to work to establish this site as a kind of case study, or working geography for the Photographer-Researcher.

The Photographer-Researcher is that which I call my own method.

I plan to write more in detail about this method, so for now I will close this post.

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